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Aqua-Yield®: Beyond the US AG Market

Marco Guirado, VP of International • Jan 17, 2023

Aqua-Yield® has been operating in the US market since 2014 and is positioned across the different crop markets as the company that supports US farmers to improve the input efficiencies. Based on this success, the Aqua-Yield® leadership team made an important decision to expand its footprint outside the US market. In August 2022 they developed a new business division: NanoYield™ International. I was hired to lead this International expansion.

We are unique; Aqua-Yield® is a young and innovative company that has come to disrupt the ag industry and it is a privilege to be part of this transformation. Our B2B and B2C strategy gives us a lot of flexibility and speed to market in order to educate the different ag markets. Aqua-Yield® is the leader of nanotechnology in the ag industry. 

Our leadership team has been very focused on our strategy of expansion as we will have several phases. For phase 1 we have concentrated our efforts on expansion south of the US border with conversations with potential distributors in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Brazil, and Argentina. LATAM is a rapidly growing agribusiness market so it made sense to concentrate our efforts in this region. It is important to understand that every country (market) is different: culture is different, size of the market is different, the crops are different. However every market has similar concerns that the farmers are talking about: the price of fertilizer, credit, weather, registration laws, etc.

NanoYield™ International is coming into the market as an available technology that will support the farmers across the world to be more efficient, improve their crop yield, and become sustainable. We feel very motivated and positive that in a very short time we will have the support of our farmers and we will become a strong partner for global food security.

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Some of their success has been attributed to two sustainable product lines which continue to prove their worth in providing early and faster growth, more healthy plants and cost-effective returns on investment: Calcine® and nanotechnology-based products from Aqua-Yield®.
By Jenny Phillips, Director of Marketing 06 Dec, 2023
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