Blog Post

NanoGro® and Soil Health

Jim Krebsbach, VP of Sales • Apr 20, 2021

Sod producers have a unique problem every growing season. Sod is the one crop when harvested where soil is actually taken with it. Think about that for a minute. The very soil that is needed to grow the sod is removed at harvest. It is essential to remove the soil layer containing all the roots of the grass when cut to allow for establishment after the sod is re-planted, makes sense right. But that does leave the sod producer in a predicament as it takes time and resources to re-establish soil health for the next crop. 


Why is soil health important and what is it? The NRCS defines soil health as “ Soil health, also referred to as soil quality, is defined as the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans.” That is a lot to chew on. To simplify, soil that has active and robust native biology, has good air and water penetration (hard to prevent as sod producers make many trips per crop cycle), and mineralizes nutrients making them plant available is a healthy soil. Aqua-Yield® has the perfect solution for sod/turf producers to help grow and maintain a healthy soil; the solution is NanoGro®.


NanoGro® is a complete package of NPK and a robust biostimulant, all in one easy to use product. NanoGro® is extremely easy to deploy into producers fertility programs as it is applied at only 4oz per acre and is compatible with most products (jar tests are always recommended). So how does NanoGro® help with soil health? 

  • Soil biology- NanoGro® contains a biostimulant package that is a food source for native microbes in your soil. The food stimulates and energizes the microbes so they can do their job.
  • Nutrient mineralization- After NanoGro® stimulates the microbes, many of their jobs are to mineralize nutrients, making them available and improving root absorption.
  • Air and water infiltration- When there are active microbes mineralizing nutrients for robust root growth, roots can penetrate deeper into the soil creating space for air and water infiltration. Most microbes need air and moisture to survive.

As you can see, NanoGro® provides many benefits to help increase soil health and a healthy soil means fast grass!


Austin Ham, Sales Agronomist at TriYield, LLC in Florida states that "It is pretty impressive to hold a piece of sod from one end and it stay in a perfect piece for a picture."

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